Welcome to the official website of CSCM
Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica


From 1984 till now

Established by Chinese Society for Composite Materials and Beihang University

Core scientific and Technological journal in materials science in China

 Scope of Publication: 

Manufacturing, properties, and design of fibres, textiles, particles or whisker crystal reinforced polymer matrix, metal and 

ceramic matrix composites and its composite films or coating materials.     



2012, the Academic Journal with the Greatest International Influence in China

2010, one of the Hundred Most Outstanding Academic Periodicals in China

2008, Excellent Scientific and Technological Periodical in China

 Impact Factor 


CNKI 2016 China Academic Periodical Impact Factor Annual Report


Institute of Scientific and Technological Information of China (ISTIC) 2016 Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports


 Online Submission at 
