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The 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21) Opens on August 21, in Xi’an, China
来源: cscm 时间: 2017-08-25 浏览: 239

The 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (CCCM21), organized by Chinese Society for Composite Materials and Hangzhou Municipal Government was successfully held in Qujiang International Convention Center in Xi’an, China during 20-25, August, 2017.


About 2000 experts and scholars in the field of composite materials from 48 countries worldwide attended the meeting, presenting a grand academic feast in the great ancient capital of Xi’an.


After the opening ceremony, Prof. Yiu-Wing Mai from the University of Sydney, Australia delivered the Scala Lecture. The conference witnesses 10 plenary lectures given by Prof. Ray Baughman from University of Texas at Dallas, Prof. Huiming Cheng from Institute of Metal Research Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Prof. Tsu-Wei Chou from University of Delaware,  Daniel J. Inman from University of Michigan, Dr. Hee June Kim from LG Hausys R&D Center, Prof. Stephen Tsai from Stanford University, Prof. Michael Wisnom from University of Bristol, Dr. Zhongmin Xue from Sinoma Science & Technology Co., Ltd, China, and Prof. Tongyi Zhang from Shanghai University, as well as 25 keynote lectures.


International Top-Level Forum on Lightweight Structures and Composites, Panel Session on Modernising Composite Regulations, and Workshop on International Benchmark Exercises on Textile Permeability and Compressibility Characterization were held successfully during the conference paralleled with other 300 sessions.





During the General Assembly on August 23, 2017, Belfast won the right for holding the 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials by votes from all fully registered participants of the conference.


The 22nd of the conference will be held in Melbourne, Australia in 2019.


As the highest-level and most prestigious conference in the field of composite materials, the series of ICCMs is held biennially in different countries in the order of Asia-America-Europe, covering the general topics of composite materials. ICCM21 aims to explore the very important role of innovation in the development of composite materials, and examine whether composite materials are making a difference in boosting the global economy.
